Saturday, October 4, 2014

Assignment 10/4

"The First Federal Congress rewrote and consolidated the amendments Madison proposed. These framers had no idea how important the amendments would become. Nor did they, or anyone else at the time, call the 12 amendments Congress proposed in September 1789 or the 10 the states ratified by the end of 1791 a “Bill of Rights.” That came later. Much later." -"Revisiting the Constitution: Rewriting the First Amendment."

     This piece basically points out how much of the constitution was written without the thought that they would be come fundamental in the every day lives of Americans.  The authors point is to kind of outline the importance revisions some things, since on her view there was not enough thought out behind the amendments.  She points out on how the constitution was a thing that was taken from some people who didn't consider the importance of the said amendments.
     I chose this piece because to me it seems kind of silly for her to say such things. Thought I have to agree that such amendments didn't take upon the modern world, I don't think they didn't consider the possibility of these becoming important bases for the United States.  I think that there are certain things that need to be updated in the constitution, however one cannot simply dismiss the importance of the basic amendments.   There needs to be some point of intersection in where we don't completely dismiss the original ideas, but that we do moderate them.  However they have to be relevant to today's problems.  We cannot simply change something because we want, if something is working it should be left alone.  In conclusion I don't exactly agree with her point of view, and her idea slightly unnecessary.

1 comment:

  1. You should let people which author and article you are quoting from. This is Pauline Maier, "Revisiting the Constitution: Rewriting the First Amendment."
